Open Banking Connect Completed

This webhook triggers when a connection with a provider is completed. This includes successful consent authorisation and completion of a data fetch.

Event Message

The table below describes the structure of the event.

task_idThe task identifier that this event relates to
task_typeThe Open Banking task this event relates toconnect
statusThe overall status of this taskCompleted, Failed
resultThe specific result of this tasksuccess or one of Connect API errors
customer_idThe customer this event relates to
consent_idThe consent identifier the event relates to


  "data": {
    "task_id": "030c78b0-617c-4649-9319-e07569362a14",
    "task_type": "connect",
    "customer_id": "82a90a04-4bdf-446a-932e-fb559ea99c29",
    "status": "Completed",
    "result": "success",
    "consent_id": "f43c4fc9-26f6-4107-a631-4f323f06e5c9"
  "data": {
    "task_id": "030cf139-1d28-45f5-9721-7e8bdd55f005",
    "task_type": "connect",
    "customer_id": "82a90a04-4bdf-446a-932e-fb559ea99c29",
    "status": "Failed",
    "result": "auth_denied"

How And When Is This Event Triggered


Behaviour depends on the configuration of the original gateway URL. For example, connect_more_accounts_button
For this webhook to trigger, the process needs to reach this point. However, it doesn't guarantee it being triggered. For example, if a user closes the tab/app during provider authorization.

Connecting User Through BUD Connect

The diagram below describes the connect flow through Bud Connect and when in the flow this webhook is triggered.